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3D printing has evolved over the last decade from a technology only accessible to big manufacturers to one that is achievable in the home office. It is becoming increasingly more affordable and offers a fast means of product creation. However, the ethics, legalities and moralities of 3D printing are becoming increasingly relevant as the speed of innovation surpasses regulation. Here are 10 forms of 3D printing that demonstrate that 3D printing will become as regular as other forms of manufacturing in the years to come.

在过去的十年中,3D打印已经从只有大型制造商才能使用的技术发展到家庭办公室可以实现的技术。 它变得越来越便宜,并提供了快速的产品创建方法。 但是,随着创新速度超越法规,3D打印的道德,合法性和道德性变得越来越重要。 以下是10种形式的3D打印,它们证明了3D打印在未来几年将变得与其他制造形式一样有规律。

1.卫生科学中的生物印刷 (1. Bioprinting in Health Science)

3D printed ear

Credit: Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine


Researchers at North Carolina’s Wake Forest University have created a that can produce organs, tissues and bones that could theoretically be implanted into living humans. Researchers from Wake Forest University have created muscle, bone, and ear structures using plastic-like materials and living cells from humans, rabbits, rats, and mice. Amazingly, the living cells survived the 3D printing process. The researchers also successfully implanted their 3D-printed structures into rodents. If the technology works as well for humans as it does on rodents, doctors may be able to use a patient’s own cells to print them a new bone, muscle, or piece of cartilage one day.

北卡罗莱纳州的维克森林大学的研究人员创建了一种 ,可以生产器官,组织和骨骼,理论上可以将其植入到活人体内。 威克森林大学的研究人员利用类塑料材料和人类,兔子,大鼠和小鼠的活细胞,创造了肌肉,骨骼和耳朵的结构。 令人惊讶的是,活细胞在3D打印过程中幸存下来。 研究人员还成功地将3D打印的结构植入了啮齿动物。 如果这项技术像在啮齿动物上一样对人类有效,那么医生也许可以在一天中使用患者自己的细胞来打印新的骨骼,肌肉或软骨。

This was proceeded by a printer that was able to print artificial skin. Various cell types were placed in the wells of an actual ink cartridge and a printer was programmed to arrange the cells in a pre-determined order. Currently, researchers are using an adapted version of ink-jet printing technology to enable . In this technology, “skin cells would be placed directly into a print cartridge, along with essential materials to support them, and would be printed directly on the soldier’s wound at the site of the wound.”

这是由能够打印人造皮肤的打印机进行的。 将各种类型的电池放置在实际墨盒的Kong中,并对打印机进行编程,以按预定顺序排列电池。 目前,研究人员正在使用一种改良版的喷墨打印技术,以便 。 在这项技术中, “皮肤细胞将与必要的材料一起直接放入打印墨盒中,并在伤口处直接印在士兵的伤口上。”

The notion of a skull implant seems like something out of science fiction but last year doctors in China were able to save the life of a baby with hydrocephalus by 3D printing and implanting a . 3D printed titanium is strong, lightweight, and can be designed to perfectly fit the patient.

颅骨植入的概念似乎是科幻小说里的东西,但是去年,中国的医生通过3D打印和将植入,挽救了脑积水婴儿的生命。 3D打印的钛坚固,轻巧,可完美适合患者。

2.药品印刷 (2. Drug Printing)

The 3D printed drug, Spritam

Credit: Aprecia Pharmaceuticals

信用:Aprecia Pharmaceuticals

Recently US-based released the world’s first 3D printed drug, Spritam, a drug to treat seizures in epileptic patients. The printing comes from MIT produced technology using the company’s trademark . Produced using technology by sandwiching a powdered form of the drug between liquid materials and bonding them at a microscopic level, the printed pills dissolve rapidly on contact with liquids.

最近,总部美国的发布了世界上第一个3D打印药物Spritam,该药物用于治疗癫痫患者的癫痫发作。 印刷来自麻省理工学院使用公司商标生产的 。 通过使用将粉末状的药物夹在液体材料之间并在微观水平上将它们粘合的技术生产,印刷的药丸在与液体接触时会Swift溶解。

3D drug printing is a huge step towards personalised medicine. Alteration of a pill’s surface area through printing means that the size, dose, appearance and rate of delivery of a drug can be designed to suit an individual. In the future this could mean on-demand drug-printing facilities at clinics, hospitals and pharmacies, or even in patients’ homes.

3D药物打印是迈向个性化医学的重要一步。 通过印刷改变药丸的表面积意味着可以设计出适合个体的药物的大小,剂量,外观和递送速率。 将来,这可能意味着需要在诊所,医院和药房甚至患者家中按需打印药物。

3. DIY牙科 (3. DIY Dentistry)

Not surprisingly, dentistry is another industry set to be transformed by 3D printing. Perhaps its biggest disruption of late is that of a 20-year-old college student — just like the ones that sell for thousands of dollars — all for less than US$60. While ostensibly a skill limited to those with access to materials and appropriate knowledge, it demonstrates how 3D printing will make traditional products cheaper.

毫不奇怪,牙科是另一个即将通过3D打印转变的行业。 也许最近最大的破坏是一个20岁的大学生 ,就像售价数千美元的一样,全部不到60美元。 虽然表面上该技能仅限于掌握材料和适当知识的人员,但它演示了3D打印如何使传统产品更便宜。

4.机器人鸟 (4. Robot Birds)


Credit: Materialise and Clear Flight Solutions


Birds are beautiful creatures. However, they can endanger passenger safety by damaging an aircraft, spreading disease or ruining crops. In response, Dutch company has created high-tech “Robirds”.

鸟是美丽的生物。 但是,它们会损坏飞机,传播疾病或破坏农作物,从而危及乘客安全。 作为回应,荷兰公司创建了高科技的“ Robirds”。

The insides of a Robird

Credit: Materialise and Clear Flight Solutions


As ,

正如 ,

“These remote controlled robotic birds of prey, with the realistic appearance and weight of their living counterparts, serve as modern-day scarecrows. Robirds propel themselves by flapping their wings, with a flight performance comparable to real birds.”

这些远程控制的猛禽,具有逼真的外观和重量,可作为现代稻草人。 Robirds通过拍打翅膀来推动自己,其飞行性能可与真正的鸟类相媲美。”

These Robirds can be used at airports, orchards, fields, and waste sites to scare away the real and much peskier birds. They have developed two types of Robirds: the falcon, which can be used to chase off birds up to 3kg, and the eagle to chase away any type of bird.

这些Robirds可以在机场,果园,田野和垃圾场使用,以吓倒真正的和许多讨厌的鸟。 他们开发了两种Robirds:一种是猎鹰,可以用来追赶不超过3公斤的鸟;另一种是老鹰,可以驱赶任何种类的鸟。

5.自行车 (5. Bicycles)

Bastion bicycle

Credit: Bastion Cycles Pty Ltd

信用:Bastion Cycles Pty Ltd

The reality of a 3D bicycle coming to the retail market is limited due to the cost and size of the printer required and various . Despite these initial hurdles, the lives of bike riders are being made easier by companies like with their 3D printed titanium parts and who are offering that can be printed at home. This is great news for cycling enthusiasts who embrace the promise of new 3D printing technology and want to incorporate it into their own rides.

由于所需打印机的成本和尺寸以及各种限制了3D自行车进入零售市场的现实。 尽管存在这些最初的障碍,但像具有3D打印钛零件的公司和提供在家打印的 ,都使自行车骑行者的生活变得更加轻松。 对于骑行者来说,这是个好消息,他们拥护新的3D打印技术,并希望将其纳入自己的骑行中。

6.鞋子 (6. Shoes)

New balance 3D printed shoes

Credit: New Balance


The notion of 3D printing of shoes has definite appeal. Who wouldn’t want a custom pair of shoes fitted to their exact measurements? But 3D printed shoes are still limited to either shoe parts or limited editions. New Balance has this week released , the first high-performance running shoe with a full-length 3D printed midsole. Last year, Adidas released a running shoe with a , and in March we saw release shoes that featured a 3D printed midsole and a 3D upper design that helps provide a precision fit.

鞋子的3D打印概念无疑具有吸引力。 谁不想让一双定制的鞋子适合自己的精确尺寸? 但是3D打印的鞋子仍然仅限于鞋子零件或限量版。 New Balance本周发布了 ,这是第一款具有全长3D打印中底的高性能跑鞋。 去年,阿迪达斯(Adidas)发布了带有跑鞋,3月,我们看到了发布鞋,其特色在于3D打印中底和3D鞋面设计,有助于提供精确的贴合度。

Outside of the sports area, shoes seem to be limited to the realm of the highly artistic, such as those high fashion offerings by United Nude shoes. These offerings are printed in the store, right before the customers’ eyes. One other interesting concept is the offerings by , who 3D print shoes based on photos of your feet.

在运动区之外,鞋子似乎仅限于高度艺术性的领域,例如United Nude鞋子提供的高级时装。 这些产品印在商店里,就在顾客眼前。 另一个有趣的概念是 ,他根据脚的照片3D打印鞋子。

United nude shoes

Credit: United nude shoes


7.房屋 (7. Houses)

Contour crafting

Credit: Contour Crafting

图片来源:Contour Crafting

While it is not possible or practicable to construct an entire house from 3D printing alone, contour crafting shows a way forward. Contour crafting (CC) is a layered fabrication technology developed by Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis from the University of Southern California. This technology just might revolutionize the construction industry. Using the contour crafting process, “a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design, may be automatically constructed in a single run, embedded in each house all the conduits for electrical, plumbing and air-conditioning”.

尽管仅靠3D打印来建造整个房屋是不可能或不可行的,但轮廓加工却显示出了前进的方向。 轮廓加工(CC)是由南加州大学的Behrokh Khoshnevis博士开发的一种分层制造技术。 这项技术可能会彻底改变建筑行业。 使用轮廓制作Craft.io, “可以在一次运行中自动构造单个房屋或一组房屋,每个房屋或房屋的设计可能不同,将所有用于电气,水暖和空调的导管嵌入到每个房屋中”

Contour crafting is being touted as a valuable application for emergency, low-income and commercial housing. NASA is even exploring possible applications of contour crafting for building structures on other planets.

轮廓Craft.io被吹捧为应急,低收入和商业房屋的有价值的应用。 NASA甚至正在探索轮廓加工在其他行星上的建筑结构的可能应用。

8.绘图 (8. Drawing)

3Doodler artwork

Credit: The 3Doodler


Possibly the funnest example of 3D printing is provided by , a hand-held pen that allows you to “draw” your 3D printed object.

也许3D打印的最有趣的例子是 ,这是一种手持式笔,可以让您“绘制” 3D打印的对象。

The 3Doodler is often compared to a hot glue gun. You press a button to start, pause and stop the pen. When starting your drawing, you press the tip of the pen onto a flat surface and then draw the 3D object of your imagination in midair!

3Doodler通常与热胶枪相比。 您按下按钮以启动,暂停和停止笔。 开始绘制时,将笔尖按在一个平面上,然后在空中绘制您想像的3D对象!

9.枪支 (9. Guns)

3D printed gun

Credit: Defence Distributed


Perhaps the most controversial example of 3D printing is a gun. In 2013, . Invented by , the gun was almost entirely made up of 3D printed parts in ABS plastic — the firing pin was the only metal (and non-plastic) component. The 3D printed gun’s plans were controversially released for all to access online and were subsequently . The US government has worked hard to prevent the download and spread of these plans, however, the online release of such material is hard to undo.

也许最具争议的3D打印示例是枪。 2013年, 。 该枪是由发明的,几乎完全由ABS塑料制成的3D打印部件组成-撞针是唯一的金属(非塑料)部件。 有争议的3D打印枪的计划已发布,供所有人在线使用,随后 。 美国政府一直在努力防止这些计划的下载和传播,但是,此类材料的在线发布很难撤销。

10.通过义肢的建造改变生活 (10. Changing Lives Through the Building of Prosthetics)

3D printed prosthetics are already making an incredible difference to people in need around the world. One example of this is the work of . They are “a global humanitarian innovation consortium, whose mission is to employ​ ​advance​​d​ ​technology to improve human rights fulfillment of both refugees and host communities in conflic​t-affected areas​” . ROW provides training to displaced persons and host communities while building solutions to the problems facing victims of conflict. They currently have which trains locals to manufacture and create 3D printed prosthetics.

3D打印假肢已经为世界各地的人们带来了不可思议的变化。 的工作就是一个例子。 他们是``全球人道主义创新财团,其任务是利用先进的技术来改善受冲突影响地区的难民和收容社区的人权'' 。 ROW为流离失所者和收容社区提供培训,同时为冲突受害者所面临的问题制定解决方案。 他们目前拥有该培训当地人制造和创造3D打印假肢。




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